Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Night Time Is The Right Time...

What has always surprised me about volunteering is how difficult it has seemed to be. This inpentrable force field that I have given up on with the first "no" every single time! I remember when I was younger, I wanted to volunteer in the children's ward of a hospital, reading, or helping with arts and crafts. (I was heavy into reading Lurlene McDaniel at the time.) Someone said no, and I was done. I have tried googling "volunteer services" many a time, and I have come to realize that nothing comes to those who want to help so easily. Finally, I went down to the Bergen County Animal Shelter in Teterboro and asked how to get on a list to walk dogs. This woman told me that I would have to start volunteering by shoveling shit out of the cages. So, I gave up. It's not that I feel that I am above pickng up strange dog droppings, most of them the size of my own dog, it's just that I feel very strongly that a person shoveling poop is a person earning a paycheck. Also, I don't like people giving me parameters with my own damn time!

Just like those envelopes people get in the mail: Would you like to donate a minimum of $25 dollars today? Or $50? Does that mean my ten dollars wouldn't be welcomed? How about I take my hundred dollars of discretionary income and give it to someone who is less expectant?

Just in case anyone else has an inclination to give of their time, the most precious and duly gratifying of all personal offerings, here is an organization that seems to have it all together:

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