Monday, January 26, 2009


President Obama was sworn into office last week, and his "call to action" is absolutely being put into effect. He has lifted the privacy act so the public can see what the president is doing always. He has helped with laws regarding abortion. He has taken steps to close Guantanamo Bay and harsh interrogation tactics, since they work so well. He has addressed both Israel and Palestine, and has tasked George Mitchell to help, as he has calmed other feuding areas around the world. And that's just to name a few. And this is some of what I have heard, she who spends no time in front of CNN. That is more good that I could research that has happened in the past two days than has gone down in eight long years. And this was all within his second day in office!

This is an exciting time to be, finally. And what would America be, if not concerned with capitalizing on his person? The new Obama doll here! And why not mix it up with Die Hard? 

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