Monday, September 29, 2008

John McClane

I have a suggestion for the Republican Party: Vote John McClane.  He has a lot of qualities that I believe are revered in this 2008 election, so far. These are from the website:

"Why Not? John McClane is a Badass. He's an American. He doesn't take shit from terrorists. He smokes. He crawls through air conditioning ducts. He's a lover AND a fighter. So, shouldn't we, The United States of America, have someone like John McClane in office? He would be the perfect leader of the free world. He would bitch-slap everyone that pisses him off. He won't lie to our faces, he'll tell it like it is. He wears his heart upon his sleeve, when he's wearing sleeves. He's not afraid of a little blood. Whether it's his or a shitty terrorist's. He has a squinty seriousness about him. He's got a tattoo, too. Yeah, he's a goddamn American and he's goddamn proud of it. America needs John McClane. So, citizens of the free world... rise up and embrace the future of America. John McClane. He takes shit from no one. Ever."

And these I thought up all on my own:

-He is pro-guns, and excessively uses them to attack who he perceives to be the "bad guy."
-He is enormously unqualified.
-He has fought people who have been born in other countries, which obviously makes him highly experienced with foreign affairs.
-He may or may not have pregnant teenagers.

So, if Sarah Palin accidentally shoots herself while hunting for elk, or at any point, realizes she is so far over her head that she is quickly becoming the biggest joke to ever enter politics in the entire history of the United States, and she receded from her position, imagine the possibilities...


I love how they are fighting over MY pillow. Marley's scare tactic is obviously to emulate a human screaming. And Mojo's is pretending to be fast asleep. I get up for a glass of water, and all hell breaks loose...

Quote of the Day

Me: “Jord, those socks look good with your open sandals.”

Jillian: “She's just kidding, shoe-bie.”

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Man Behind The Great WHITE Hype

"By March, it was getting 300,000. SWPL—which catalogs the tastes, prejudices, and consumption habits of well-off, well-educated, youngish, self-described progressives—was refreshing because it’s everything a blog, almost by definition, is not. Rather than serving up unedited, impromptu, self-important ruminations on random events and topics, the tightly focused, stylishly written, precisely observed entries eschew the genre’s characteristic I (though Lander in fact writes nearly all of them) and adopt a cool, never snarky though sometimes biting, pseudo-anthropological tone."


Mojo could be licking his lips at any number of things: A car alarm, a car honking, someone speaking within a four block radius, air. It really takes so little...

Quote of the Day

Me: "You think you're funny."

Alex: "No, I'm worse: I know it all and I'm funny."

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Death By Chocolate

Anyone who knew Marley as a "toddler" knows that she was one painfully cute, powerfully destructive puppy. Have you read Marley and Me? Think that but with a dog a third of his size. She taught me early in her days that stuffed animals and dog toys or the soft and sewn variety would cause more harm than good. As a result, Mojo is pretty unfamiliar with soft dog toys. And when I pass a really cute squeaky stuffed dog toy, I wonder when Marley's teeth will fall out so there could be some variation lying around my carpets. I may be kidding.... So, yes, she recently hustled me! I found an old, and cheap, blue disc stuffed toy. And they played with it as if it were a freshly killed bloody carcass. Except, there was no blood, and even better, they didn't rip it into molecules. I was led to believe that this chocolate cake squeaky would live a little.

Is this not the face every woman makes when biting into a great piece of chocolate cake?

She didn't actually like sharing her cake with Mojo, or me, or the air.

This is what I was welcomed home by. That was the last slice!

Through The Years...

I have always had a fascination with old pictures. Finding photo albums and ancient yearbooks buried in family closets kept me entertained for more hours than I would like to admit. So, when I stumbled upon this site, Yearbook Yourself, I was elated! Then, as time passed, I felt like someone had gone back in time, read my brain activity via ESP and then morphed back into a present day web designer. So violating! And after seeing my father with an afro at every stage of his chronicled high school career, I couldn't help but check myself out....

1952 me, complete with strange chin indentation.

1986 me, I would rock those frames in a second!

1966 me, I could get my hair to do this in thirty minutes. All I need is a scissor and a blow dryer.

1968 me. Or my mom? Very strange.

1978 me, keeping it in the fam!

Google Maps Failed Me

In anxious anticipation, I turned to my ever faithful Google Maps to try and map out some of my upcoming Bermuda vacation. Or, at the very least, see which side of the island I am staying on. Anything interesting really. The image below is as detailed as I could get without an error popping up. This could be the creepiest Google Maps result ever! 

This is Bermuda people. Ships get lost, triangles stop being fun shapes and turn into killing machines. And if I need help? Oh, there's the OCEAN and only the ocean to help suck me into the vortex. (Still excited! Google Maps can't bring me down!)

Quote of the Day

After Julia begrudgingly found out she was a member of Group B, and didn't want to be...

Alex: "Hi Group A! Hi Group B!"

Julia: ""You mean Group G-AY!"

Alex: "No, actually, Group B is full of the b-people. Not as good as Group A."

Julia: "First is the worst, second is the best."

Alex: "Um, tell that to the Olympics."

Julia: "What about the Special Olympics? Everyone's a winner."

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Martha Likes 'Em Big

There's not much one can add, I don't think.  A picture is worth a thousand inches.


This sign is to be taken very seriously! Placed next to a free Double Bubble gum ball machine. And straws for all of the pure sugar cola's that one can possibly inhale.

Quote of the Day

While eating small baby back ribs at Houston’s:

Jordan: “Are these from a cow?”

Me: “Jordan, do you know how big a cow is?”

Jordan: “What, are they from a bull?”

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Love Smells Like...

Okay, I don't actually know what love smells like, but had I ever thought about it, I would know the creator of Demeter would know. I never even tried to wrap my mind around what kind of voodoo magic witch could really capture the scent of Gin and Tonic (the one I bought and loved), or what kind of weirdo would douse themselves with the smell of Dirt. Other interesting ones that I've smelled:  Cannabis Flower, Crayon, Lettuce, Swimming Pool, and Tomato.

This article is really entertaining and informative! For instance, I learned that one of my favorite scents, Amber, has an undertone of urine. And for you jasmine lovers, there is the faintest scent of dead mice!  But in all seriousness, I must get to his new store, CB I Hate Perfume Gallery as quickly as possible. I may not get rid of my peony perfume, but it sounds like anything's spritzable here.

Devastating Plane Crash Update

I kept hearing all sorts of rumors, so this is the real update:

Celebrity DJ AM, 35, and former Blink-182 drummer Travis Barker, 32, suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns as a result of a plane crash on Friday. Though both are expected to make a full recovery, Barkers’ assistant, Chris Baker, and bodyguard, Charles Still, as well as the plane’s pilot and co-pilot were killed.

The group was traveling by private Learjet from South Carolina to California late Friday night. They had just performed a free show in Columbia, SC. It now appears that a blown tire during takeoff caused the crash. When an attempt to abort takeoff didn’t work, the plane careened off the runway and burst into flames.

For continuing information:

Blender Blog


Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Destructive took a time-out to pose like 
Yin and Yang.

Quote of the Day

A.H.: "I know how to leave 'em, Aly. Just how I found them, face down in the mud."

Time Of His Life

This video, despite it's upbeat 1920's flapper dance music, is still so somber. It was definitely the most interesting take of age progression I have ever seen. Fast paced, but still covering so much ground and detail.

Aside from the grainy quality, what do you think? I keep thinking, time is a son of a bitch! Ten years murders your youth and brings in something new, something old technically. I hope to see his next fifty years!

Monday, September 22, 2008

A Chanel Bag Any Way I Can Take It!!

I used to really mind Chinatown bags. It stemmed from when all the "cool" girls in sixth grade walked around with brand new Kate Spade bags, and my mother fought with me over buying a full-priced, $30 Jansport backpack. So, I went and picked out a twenty dollar Kate Spade knock-off just down the steps from the New York City Public Library while my father was sleeping. I flaunted it proudly, until one fateful, impossibly muggy day, when my Kate Spade tag shifted, and slid off of my purse.  I vowed to stay away from fake bags from that day forward.

Surprise, surprise! I relented! I backed out of my former cries of indignation when I started earning money and my love for designer hand bags grew and grew. And I was forced to make decisions. Food and gas and shampoo, or Fendi. Sometimes Fendi wins, and we don't need to go into details. But more importantly, I have learned how to balance expensive handbags with more realistic impersonations from time to time, to keep me in good spirits. 

Of course, the greatest thing would be to be given more bags. Ahem, ahem. (Don't mind the coughs, I was talking to my invisible and utterly make-believe sugar daddy.)  So until you appear, oh giver of luxury leather, Lifetime is offering the opportunity to WIN CHANEL!!

And the only reason I am sharing this, out of the goodness of my heart, is to get back some similar contest opportunities in return!!

If It's Good Enough For Lisa Marie...

Are there any parents out there who argue over what is the appropriate age for their baby girl to get their ears pierced? At what point is it okay for a colored lip gloss, a smear of eye shadow, a box of condoms?  

Well, in case those things didn't seem rushed enough, has afforded every infant parent the opportunity to have their daughters wearing high heels before they can even walk. Every parent's dream.

**For clarity, I am not in any way insinuating that I will not personally partake in this bizarre little fad when the chance comes along.

Oh, Fidel! Fidel!

Fidel Castro Has Bedded 35,000 Women

If "bedded" means laid to rest in this instance, then sure I believe you, Sify!

A Fit Not Worth Fighting

How many times have you wanted to pour your soda out on a counter as an obnoxious cashier gives you attitude or a vapid, drooling glare?  Apparently, it's best not to act on your impulses!

Serenity By Jan

This post will most likely, I hope, only interest fans of The Office. For anyone who has not been a fan, here is a little bit of a back story:

Jan is a fired company executive. She is high strung, controlling, fetish-y, cold, and ultimately bizarre. In the show, she took over her boyfriend's spare bedroom and created a home business fully functioning within the confines of that room: A homemade candle company called Serenity by Jan.

Some personal favorite candle descriptions:

  • The best part of waking up, is merlot in your cup! Make every morning, a "Merlot Morning."
  • They say water has no scent or flavor. Apparently, "they" have never tried Evian. Just holding it in your hands, you can taste the class. The epitome of subtle elegance is "Bottled Water."
  • I did not have the happiest childhood, but one pleasant memory of my youth was when I got my first pair of jeans. I wore them everywhere: to school, to parties, when I ran away… I remember holding them to my face and escaping in their bold, fresh scent – the scent of "Denim."
  • One trace of this scent and you’ll feel like you're recuperating at a five star rehabilitation center. Pure and relaxing, this makes you feel at peace with the world around you. Xanax in a candle, "Serenity."
And some of the best testimonials ever recorded:

  • Jan's candles smell good enough to eat, but you can't eat them. They're made from wax.        - Kevin M.
  • On the farm we surround ourselves with the smells of nature. I would however be interested in a beet scented candle for my work area.   - Dwight Schrute

*Thanks, Julia!


Carrie, meet Elvis. Elvis, Carrie. 

Quote of the Day

Alex: “Oh, that's right, you don’t watch meet the press; you watch the Flintstones.”

Friday, September 19, 2008


You can say what you want about Mojo (not really, actually), but we can all agree he is one shiny, crisco lovin' mutha.

Quote of the Day

Aly: "You wanna hear the coolest thing ever?"

Alex: “What are you gonna do? Recite my name over and over?"

Thursday, September 18, 2008

2 Cm. Can Go A Loooong Way

I think my friend Melissa should start her own blog, featuring the craziest links, articles, and sites found on this huge expanse of web terrain. She finds it all. I don't ask why, I never ask how. I just say thank you. And I will keep sharing!

I just wish this article wasn't about a fourteen year old boy. While I don't want a young boy to be scared or suffer, mostly, I want to make raunchy comments. I can't. It's wrong. Let's just say, thank goodness it wasn't a girl. She'd have an unfortunate nickname follow her for way too long!

Tracy Anderson

What do Gwyneth Paltrow and Madonna have in common? That's easy! Kids, England, adorable and talented husbands, money, fame, fake blond hair, multiple homes, international acclaim, they have both used fake British accents (One was paid for it, the other just likes to play pretend.) But their most important similarity to me is their personal trainer, Ms. Tracy Anderson. Madonna gracing the cover of Vanity Fair looking like a woman thirty years her junior is incredible! And I don't care what anyone says, it must feel really great to look like THIS on a red carpet.

My DVR informed me that Oprah was starting her new season, because I started seeing episodes in my "to-watch list," and I usually delete them. No offense, Oprah, I just can get SO depressed watching sometimes. But if it isn't a downer show, I'm all in. And last night, Gwyneth was on, talking about her personal trainer, Tracy Anderson, showing clips of her actual work-outs. She also said that while she refrains from eating any four-legged animals, she didn't deprive herself of anything else. Breads and cheeses and desserts and anything she wants.  Please don't ask me why I have been interested in Gwyenth's eating habits. When I was in college, I read she was on a raw foods, macro-biotic diet. Where no organic fruit or vegetable cold be heated past 120 degrees. I lasted a few weeks, miserably. I like to think I could have lasted longer, if I too had a personal chef to prepare everything for me. But since I had no real way of knowing if my carrot was cooked to just 120 degrees, everything was raw. 

Enough of my rant. I just purchased 2 of her 3 available DVD's, getting a mat workout and a dance cardio workout, and forgoing a post-pregnancy workout for at least a few more years. I wanted to write this all out now, as my purchase is being processed and shipped. While I am still excited and haven't experienced the price one pays for eating whatever they want and still looking like this.


My Four Elements:

When I first took this picture, I thought it looked like the four elements: Sun, Rock, Metal, Air. And I after I checked, it may not look so much like Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth. I am pretty sure Sun, Rock, Metal, Air is better!

Quote of the Day

Me: "Jill looks a little like Hayden Panettiere."

Jordan: (As Jillian throws herself onto his stomach...) "She weighs as much as Hayden Lardentiere, also!"

Wednesday, September 17, 2008



Quote of the Day

Me: “He looks so much like you, it’s scary.”

Maureen: “He's my mini-me.”

Tristan: “Except I'm much skinnier”

**Aren't eight year olds just the sweetest?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Got eyeballs?

Quote of the Day

Me: “Marley was rolling on the grass.”

Jordan: “Yup, me and her are like mother and daughter.”

All Commercials Must Take Heed...

I had heard of Extended Stay Hotels before, mostly, because the rooms come equipped with kitchens, so it's like at home living away from home. But, I had no idea they were really different from any other hotels, until I saw this commercial:

Now, if we could get the Ritz Cartlon featuring some hangover retching, we'd have ourselves a face-off!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

"Guyland" Sucks!

Clare sent me this link a while back, and said "This is why I am single." And "I" seems to be a collective:


I took this picture standing out in front of Miriam's* house. And when I took it, I was swelling with Pride. Miriam owns an honest-to-God house with a wrap around porch and backyard and adult things inside. When I looked at this picture later, I realized it could be a proud shot for Americans everywhere... or maybe just me still.

*Miriam- My ex-step-aunt-who is more like a sister to me than anyone could ever be.

Quote of the Day

Alex: “I don’t believe in democracies unless I control them.”

Friday, September 12, 2008


This was taken after Carrie and I discovered we had the same glittery credit card. And we simultaneously said "Wow, that's really wierd."

Wow, that's really weird. Squared.

Strange and Unusual

Where does one strangely long Yorkie end....

And an unusually plump Puggle begin?

Quote of the Day

As I stopped by my grandparents and we started watching "Secondhand Lions"...

Grandpa: "Michael Caine's Jewish, you know."

Grandma: "How do you know?"

Grandpa: "I know a lot of things. Make it my business to know other people's business."

**Ah, yes, my grandfather. The original National Enquirer.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


These awesome little mini-logs-into-Buddha's are scattered throughout Veggie Heaven in Teaneck. I was in awe of how awesomely carved he was. And Keith suggested I shove him in my purse and take him home. Does nobody understand Karma??!?

Quote of the Day

Jordan: "You're like a cavewoman... Not clean whatsoever."

White Hot Fear

I woke up to Marley crying. And I jumped out of bed, and found her crouched on three legs inside her crate, with a front paw up in the air and tucked close to her body. And while she wasn't screaming, it felt like she was to me. And in that instant of almost full awareness, I thought the worst...

A had a friend (Erik) who I drove with to Ohio to pick up his dream dog with him a while back. We left at 5 am, in the beginning of a pretty dangerous snow storm. Ten minutes into the trip, getting on to the beginning of Route 80, I spun around and drove into a snow embankment. (This, of course, did not deter me, just took a few years off of my life, I'm sure.) We drove through New Jersey, completely through Pennsylvania, through the tip of West Virginia, and then into Ohio. It wasn't the Ohio that I knew and loved, it was an extension of the worst ideas I've ever had about West Virginia, actually. There were "tree houses," named by yours truly, which jutted out of hillsides, and had trees breaking through them, straight through their ceilings. But as long as their confederate flags waved proudly, rooftops seemed to be of little importance. Once we got to this breeders street, she instructed us that she was 20 miles down the road. A residential street that lasted 20 miles! Absurd. And calling was no option, there aren't many cell phone towers in that part of the world. The winding road around this never ending mountain was the most treacherous I have ever been on, barely narrow enough for my SUV, there was a five foot ditch and jagged mountain rock on the inside part of the road, and a very clearly visible drop to oblivion on the outside part of the road. We were screaming at each other without oncoming traffic. When a rogue pick-up would drive towards us, I honestly thought I would pass out and never wake up. We made it. He met his dog, who we named Miles, because, well, miles is what we went for him.

If you would have ever told me that I would love a Chinese Crested, I would have told you that I don't like rats, or hairless cats, and that you lied, a lot, for sex or drugs. But Erik was right, he grew on me. That little sweet dog who didn't have an angry bone in his body. (Not that I think most dogs do.) Actually, Miles only had one bone in his body, and it came at full attention whenever Marley was near. He would hump the air for minutes, even after she got bored of pretending he was anywhere near where he thought he was. He cuddled and loved being brushed, and played for hours in a fairly low energy way.

Erik called me at work one day... He had taken all three dogs to the dog park, and Miles snapped his front leg. I could barely hear his frantic story about needing me to meet him at the Vet's office over Miles' screaming. Long story shorter: his broken leg needed surgery, and metal rods and screws and time, and isolation, and caution. A few months later, I was dog sitting for Miles, he was almost healed, and I left for work. As I stepped off of the elevator, heading home again, I heard the unmistakably painful Miles screams again. I ran in, and he was frozen in position, looked like he had been mid-spin, and his "good" front leg was dangling in front of him. I picked him up, screaming deafeningly in my ear, and called my mother screaming to come pick me up. Thank you to the emergency Vet that night, who let me know that I was right, and his leg was indeed broken. I couldn't have been sure with a separated bone almost coming through his leg. It's hard being hurt, I can't fathom being hurt but not understanding anything about it.

So, everything about that experience came flooding back to me, at super sonic speed and without control. It was hard to take a deep breath. How quickly could I drive to the animal hospital? How many months would this set me back on moving? And it doesn't help that Marley's eyes are so sad, and she was looking at me, crying, and I didn't know how to help. I pulled her out, lifted her up, and knew the problem. She had pooped, and had a dangler hanging from her butt connected by a long strand of my own hair. Why, you might ask? Because she likes to eat lint balls, clumps of dust, and I guess a stray hair every now and then. I pulled out the hair, her front leg dropped down to normal, and she licked me and ran off to find another dust ball. This is my life.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I want this bear. But more importantly, I want A bear. My reflection's in the middle of the bear, as I would also be in the middle of a bear I had. (I wish I could take you on the little journey I just took in my sleep-deprived head, but a sample: bear, bare, beer, blare, lair, fair, fir, fur, bear fur....)

Quote of the Day

Julia: "I'm probably going to be bitching. Korean Mode: On."

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Rasta Hair


Shower. Add one pound of mousse and/or gel, creme, oil, spray, spritz, shmutz, or anything else you can find. Let air dry. Put in bun. Realize that you have spent 24 years hating your hair and thinking of creative Halloween costumes, when you've had one perched on your head this whole time!

Quote of the Day

Aly: "I'll see you at the police station when they take me in."

Alex: "Alright, but take my advice: Don’t make me your one phone call."

Monday, September 8, 2008

Tell No One...

Or tell everyone- Mirrors was the single scariest movie I have ever attempted to watch. 

I thought back to my scariest movie experiences. I remember going out on a Friday night with my friend Tracey and a parent of choice, driving to Blockbuster, and renting "Pet Cemetary." We would watch it to the point where the neglected ill sister is screaming out her younger sister's name in pain, and the camera pans to this disfigured curling spine, and STOP! We must have stopped the movie screaming and clinging to one another at least ten times. (And I think it could even be more.) I don't remember what finally provoked us to get past that halfway mark and see it through, but we did. And that had been my top scariest movie of all time, until now.

I sat in the theater with my friend and my heart, as it was beating so far out of my chest, I considered it another entity. And I lasted maybe forty minutes of watching, and gasping, and jumping in unison with every other poor sucker who spent $10.75. After that, I pinched my eyes closed and held my ears, because for the next fifteen minutes, there were the most brutal screams I never wanted to hear. And then, I left. Yup, I left at about the five dollar mark, in front of a theater packed with people undoubtedly staring at me as I stood and jogged out. And I walked straight to my car, and looked in my rear-view mirror, and was thrilled that I didn't stay to watch any more. 

Because if I am too scared to look in the mirror, everyone else should be equally scared of how my make-up will turn out. 

**I followed up my weekend movie experience by seeing Ne le dis à personne (Tell No One), which, for a French movie that wasn't entirely a gushy love story, was very good. And I wanted to share with everyone a huge, never been disclosed piece of valuable information:
Dustin Hoffman must have a secret French brother, who starred in this movie, François Cluzet. Phew, it feels good to unlock life's secret mysteries! There's no denying this, Dustin.


"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Quote of the Day

Julia: “Nothing says gangster like a demonic rabbit-puppy hybrid.”

Friday, September 5, 2008

Quote of the Day

Aly: “I bet they housed you.”

Jordan: “They apartmented me and I mansioned them.”


This is how I've felt all week: Overwhelmed, stressed out, pushed out of every comfort zone I have tried so hard to make for myself. I want Kansas!!

Woofy Pet Chronicles

This is Mojo before I took him to get groomed:
This is him after the cold and impersonable groomer at Woofy Pet had her way with him.

My instructions were: "Take his ears down, but please take almost nothing off of his face, because I like his face hair long." She at least took his ear hair down....

Dinner With Su

After a coworker told me he ate his "best meal ever" at this new vegetarian fusion restaurant down the street, I knew I had to go. Last night, Clare and I decided to try Su out. The food was prettier than I expected. And it was good. But Veggie Heaven still wins. Better tofu, much more options, and an unpretentious atmosphere. It isn't that I dislike a pretentious atmosphere, but when you are a narrow restaurant sharing wall space with an active Karate Do Jo and a sleazy looking "massage parlor," maybe a high end decor isn't the best way to spend your money. Either way, I took pictures:

Eryngii mushroom fries- tossed with chopped fresh bell peppers and salt and pepper.

Roasted whole wheat seitan w/ Chinese broccoli, Japanese pumpkin and roasted almond (yes, apparently just one)

Brown rice tee-pee

Thursday, September 4, 2008


A book on monkeys, a book on sex.... The only thing I can deduce is Monkey Sex. I only wish this wasn't at the foot of my father's bed....

Quote of the Day

Tristan: “Aly, if you’re in charge, you should take a one day vacation and come to the zoo with me on Monday.”

Me: “I have too much work.”

Tristan: “Listen, if you’re in charge, you make someone else do the work. That’s what being in charge means.”

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Karma (h)

Mispelling it make karma mad. (So good luck with your store.)

Greatest American Dog

After all three of us recently became addicted to Greatest American Dog on CBS, I've been thinking about which dog I would bring with me on that show if given the opportunity. And it gets tricky, because obedience is technically Mojo's stronger suit. But Marley is more food motivated, so she would probably be a better learner for the more out of the ordinary tasks the dogs and their owners are constantly faced with. Mojo is more agile, and more likely to always stay by my feet when asked to. Marley is slightly calmer and, well, I guess it doesn't matter, because if I was invited to go on that show, I would have to get an entirely different dog to bring with me.

Destructor Of Beds
Mojo's most bankable skill is most obviously deconstructing made beds.

Quote of the Day

Alex: “What am I getting?”

Me: “A salad?”

Alex: “You don’t control my life. I’ll get a chicken Caesar salad.”

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Sign Translation
Attention All: No Phones or Calculators Past This Point

Quote of the Day

Julia: “He’s thinking like a true asian…”

Me: “What’s that?”

Julia: “Out for themselves.”

One Of A Kind, Baby!

On my friend Julia's blog, I found a link called: Users can type in their full first and last names, and find out how many people currently living in the United States share your name, and I thought my results were interesting. 

People who shared my first name with me:  13,727
People who shared my last name with me:  3,264
People who share my full name with me: 1 or fewer

So, maybe it's not a one of a kind name... Maybe I don't even exist.