Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Love Smells Like...

Okay, I don't actually know what love smells like, but had I ever thought about it, I would know the creator of Demeter would know. I never even tried to wrap my mind around what kind of voodoo magic witch could really capture the scent of Gin and Tonic (the one I bought and loved), or what kind of weirdo would douse themselves with the smell of Dirt. Other interesting ones that I've smelled:  Cannabis Flower, Crayon, Lettuce, Swimming Pool, and Tomato.

This article is really entertaining and informative! For instance, I learned that one of my favorite scents, Amber, has an undertone of urine. And for you jasmine lovers, there is the faintest scent of dead mice!  But in all seriousness, I must get to his new store, CB I Hate Perfume Gallery as quickly as possible. I may not get rid of my peony perfume, but it sounds like anything's spritzable here.

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