Thursday, September 18, 2008

Tracy Anderson

What do Gwyneth Paltrow and Madonna have in common? That's easy! Kids, England, adorable and talented husbands, money, fame, fake blond hair, multiple homes, international acclaim, they have both used fake British accents (One was paid for it, the other just likes to play pretend.) But their most important similarity to me is their personal trainer, Ms. Tracy Anderson. Madonna gracing the cover of Vanity Fair looking like a woman thirty years her junior is incredible! And I don't care what anyone says, it must feel really great to look like THIS on a red carpet.

My DVR informed me that Oprah was starting her new season, because I started seeing episodes in my "to-watch list," and I usually delete them. No offense, Oprah, I just can get SO depressed watching sometimes. But if it isn't a downer show, I'm all in. And last night, Gwyneth was on, talking about her personal trainer, Tracy Anderson, showing clips of her actual work-outs. She also said that while she refrains from eating any four-legged animals, she didn't deprive herself of anything else. Breads and cheeses and desserts and anything she wants.  Please don't ask me why I have been interested in Gwyenth's eating habits. When I was in college, I read she was on a raw foods, macro-biotic diet. Where no organic fruit or vegetable cold be heated past 120 degrees. I lasted a few weeks, miserably. I like to think I could have lasted longer, if I too had a personal chef to prepare everything for me. But since I had no real way of knowing if my carrot was cooked to just 120 degrees, everything was raw. 

Enough of my rant. I just purchased 2 of her 3 available DVD's, getting a mat workout and a dance cardio workout, and forgoing a post-pregnancy workout for at least a few more years. I wanted to write this all out now, as my purchase is being processed and shipped. While I am still excited and haven't experienced the price one pays for eating whatever they want and still looking like this.

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