So as I walk up the stairs, I feel as if I am walking into an old ice cream parlor. I can smell vanilla and chocolate and a lingering sweetness that you can only remember from childhood desserts past. And while the average person may be somewhat taken by said aroma, this assault on my nostrils could only mean one thing: I left something wihin reach of Wonder Dog and I was going to pay for my sins. And how I wished I didn't know my dogs at all!
I step into the living room and entry hallway where I see some of my individually packaged protein shake mixes shredded into the carpeting. I say into now, whereas at the time, I thought: on top of the carpet. I can only assume all of the world's anger flashed into my eyes as both dogs fled to the safety of the back corners of their crate instantly. The carnage ensued, increasing with every few feet down my hallway, with an equal crescendo between ruining my four day old new comforter and creating a protein shake powder cement on over ten large tiles in my kitchen.
My clean-up involved vacuuming and then scraping, scrubbing and sweating over almost every inch of carpeting this powder touches, as saliva turns it int a possessed glue-like creature. But I guess everything happens for a reason: I never scheduled in any work out time. And my punishment ended up being over 4 hours of scrubbing. Marley was just looking out for my health.

On a different note: Is anyone interested in a Wonder Dog? She can climb onto seemingly impossible pieces of furniture and she is always looking out for your health (as long as one of your issues is not high blood pressure.)
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