"Lady" Gaga has worked with Monster Beats to launch "her" own headphones, called Heartbearts. I'm kind of torn on whether or not I think "her" vision works, though, because I generally hate in-ear headphones. I am more of the 1994, oversized, sound blocking clunkers where nobody could strike up a conversation with me mistakenly thinking that I was not at that moment listening to headphones. But hers, they glitter! And it is a Monster product, which means that the sound quality has to kick my Sony's ten year old ass. AND, they have some bling... So, yeah, I am totally trying to win a pair here:
Monster is also launching a 30-day Heartbeats Giveaway on Facebook! And it’s not 1 pair over 30 days; they're giving away 30 pairs of Heartbeats by Lady Gaga High Performance In-Ear Headphones in 30 days!And as an aside, please not the size of Dr Dre's upper body! His legs and waist seem to hit where everyone else's does, and then from there up, he is a giant! (I think he would look really awkward wearing those headphones.)
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