"Lady" Gaga has worked with Monster Beats to launch "her" own headphones, called Heartbearts. I'm kind of torn on whether or not I think "her" vision works, though, because I generally hate in-ear headphones. I am more of the 1994, oversized, sound blocking clunkers where nobody could strike up a conversation with me mistakenly thinking that I was not at that moment listening to headphones. But hers, they glitter! And it is a Monster product, which means that the sound quality has to kick my Sony's ten year old ass. AND, they have some bling... So, yeah, I am totally trying to win a pair here:
Monster is also launching a 30-day Heartbeats Giveaway on Facebook! And it’s not 1 pair over 30 days; they're giving away 30 pairs of Heartbeats by Lady Gaga High Performance In-Ear Headphones in 30 days!

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