Can You Hold Me Closer?
Each day this week, I am going to be sharing a photo of my mother with Marley from our weekend away in the Poconos. On Friday, there are two pictures to share, both in which my puppy and my mother resemble each other strongly. Not to worry! They are great pictures. Because anyone who can look so regal and distinguished and classy as my dog should feel honored. I kid. But seriously, I can only get away with this, because my mother and computers don't mesh. My mother and technology don't mesh. She can only speak on speaker phone with her cell phone, her idea of savvy internet browsing is successfully signing into her AOL account, and her home computer's been broken for about ten years and she still doesn't know.
It's a good thing she can pull off the "Marley," or I'd have some serious concerns.
Ally're cute and clever!
Great that face!!
Your dogs are adorable....
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