Mojo's eyes are aglow with the frantic, fiendish fury that fuels his everyday life. They're only cute until you realize that they are stepping on the forbidden "guest bed," and staring at me confused and concerned as I shriek to no avail. That's the fury that fuels my everyday life.
Hi Aly-\
Adorable photo(s) and thank you so much for visiting my blog. Nice to meet you.
Love and peace
Hi again-
I SO love cloudy days and cooler temps, I don't do well in summer at all. AS I read down a bit thru your posts I see we are of like thinking on the weather. :-)
Love Gail
Thanks for visiting my Formidable Fungus post, Aly. Thanks.
You have a neat blog here. I like your dogs, and your other snapshots and commentary.
Thanks for visiting me! Cute blog!
You could forgive anything with him looking up at you with those lovely shining eyes.
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