Wednesday, April 8, 2009

American Idol Recap- Season 8

Last night's episode was one where the contestants could pick any song from any genre that was released in the year that they were born. Am I jealous of having to make that decision? Not even slightly. Will I judge them all for falling almost entirely flat* on their faces? Absolutely. *Pun was only intended in reference to Scott, who was and is always, flat.

First of the night was Danny Gokey, born April 24th, 1980, and the group elder. He sang "Stand By Me," which at first I was thrilled about, but then it sank in that he wasn't born in the sixties and therefore would be performing a bad remake. And that's just what he did. Did he sing the song well? Yes. Should he have? NO.

Kris Allen didn't have a whole lot to live up to to outdo the Gokey this week, so having been born June 21st, 1985, he picked "All She Wants To Do Is Dance." Personally, another WTF moment. From all of 1985, this wouldn't have even entered my top 100 list. Again, he sounded nice. But the song, ew. And is nice good enough?

Third up was Lil Rounds, born October 20th, 1984. I'm not going to lie, she is definitely an idol for being that old and having that many kids. She decided to sing "What's Love Got To Do With It," which just proves to me that her ego is so huge it is shoving her off the stage and into the bottom group for tonight. She came onstage and imitated the great Tina Turner. But can anyone do a good Tina Turner impersonation? 'Cuz Lil cannot. She sounded alright, but she made the song just plain and boring and as the judges always say, totally lacked artistry.

Anoop Desai, born December 20th, 1986, finaly gave me hope for the night. He sang "True Colors" and he modernized it and sounded really incredible. My brother's a big Anoop fan, and maybe now I can finally see why. Simon called him "...A singing yo-yo. This week was good and last week was abysmal." I don't even know how I want him to fare next week, because I have my favorites already...

Fifth up was my favorite, Mr. Scott McIntyre. All I wanted was for the judges to be honest, and treat him as they treat everyone else on the show. After finding out he was born June 27th, 1985 (WHAT?), Ryan announced he was going to be singing "The Search Is Over." Heard of it? Shocker! He picked an unpopular song, he was atrocious. When the judges commented on him choosing to use an electric guitar, he said he was trying t show his diversity and bring out his punk rock side. Paula commented that his sense of humor was infectious, but joking he was not. He is serious. This show is bleeding credibility with this guy still on it.

The youngest, born April 27th, 1992, was Allison Iraheta with my favorite song choice thus far, Bonnie Raitt's "I Can't Make You Love Me." She is a baby, but her voice doesn't know it. The judges says he reminds them of Kelly Clarkson, which is not only a huge compliment but also true. I was so excited by her song choice this week that I held back from clapping on my couch even before she sang her first note.

Matt Giraud was seventh to perform, with "Part Time Lovers" after we learned he was born May 11th, 1985. I will just say one thing: Justin Timberlake performed the sh*t out of that song!

And the last of the night, AKA the one who my DVR cut off so I didn't get to see his baby picture, was Adam Lambert. He sang "Mad World," which is one of my favorite "modern" songs of all time. If you listen to the power with which he reaches those notes so effortlessly, you know he was meant to be on stage. He recreated the song just enough, made it his own just enough, and out sang everyone else incredibly! The judges had no time to speak, so only Simon got to just stand up and give him a standing ovation.

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