Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pet Blogs

CuteOverload was introduced to me many years ago, and I don't know if anyone remembers the day of the slow load, but the taste hasn't ever left my mouth. It was slow, slow, ya know? And then, when you would go to click next page, the first time you clicked that, the first page would pop up all over again. Today, it has made great strides. My coworker has a Page-A-Day desk calendar of the site. I just always think of that damned speed! And, they feature way too many rodents.

The internet's phenomenon has certainly been ICanHasCheezburger. Think pet photo, whether unique or not, with a strangely witty and completely non-English compilation of words as its caption. So, to re-cap: Pet Pic + Strange Words = Cultural Craze.

FidoJournalism is a really great site to check out. Of course, I leave there infinitely depressed. Reasons being: A. I don't know how to photograph anything. B. I don't have a nice enough camera to experiment with. And C. I'm jealous!! Maybe by the time I have a well behaved dog, someone will be kind enough to teach me how to photograph it.

For cat and/or photography enthusiasts, DaisyTheCurlyCat is a good site to drop in on from time to time. It can get silly, much like people thinking that cats are better than dogs. But worthwhile, nonetheless. 

The more medicinally inclined will appreciate this veterinary pet blog called Doolittler. Get it? Like Dr. Doolittle? Except instead of being the cheesiest movie ever created, it's actually not a waste of ten dollars and two hours of your life that you will never, ever get back.

My personal favorite has been F*** You, Penguin. Because, really, what could be better than ripping apart an animal's behaviors or appearances as if those attribute have personally wronged you? Answer: Not much! Read this blog and tell me you don't laugh. I will then tell you one of two things: You have no soul, or you were reading the wrong site. Maybe it was that cat site...

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