Thursday, March 5, 2009


I get it. Conan has switched from Late Night to the Tonight Show. I just don't quite understand why anyone is getting so teary-eyed. He is still on every night, doing his thang. Just for more viewers.

My favorite is, of course, Kelly's breakdown of Team Aniston vs. Team Jolie. But a close second is Michael's over-priced garage sale junk. I especially liked his listing for his old retainer at $200, at 50% off his original cost.

I have fallen in love with this woman's blog. I want to live in the middle of Wyoming on a farm and rescue my own wild dog of some sort and then take beautiful pictures and have incredible experiences with said dog. But I don't want to deal with dirt, or snakes, or complete desolation. Actually, maybe that's not so bad...

A mirror that doesn't show images backwards. Thank you Mathematician Andrew Hicks!

Is there anyone left on this planet that does not think that Disney is racist? But, for me, the real question is: Does Disney teach children to be racist, or does Disney just play into children's fears of things different than them? All this time, we've insulted Walt for being a bad person, when really, he could have been a savvy business man. It's the kids!

It's as scary as it is true.

I am not jealous that this man has almost $88,000 dollars to spend on an office area rug. I am sad that one is available.

In case you need to add a little rainbow-glitter-unicorn action to your life...

Basically, if you need to share your stories on this site, please see above site.

You had me at The Doors. You had me at Johnny Depp. Combing the two may be hazardous to my health.

Leave it to us Russians. Rope jumping? Child's play! Group rope jumping off a bridge close to frozen water? Bring it on!

There’s so much to see and do, so you’ll have plenty to write about in your weekly blog. And with so much life above and below the water, you’re sure to capture some entertaining moments for your video diary and photo gallery. To keep you busy, Tourism Queensland will organise a schedule of travel and events on the Islands of the Great Barrier Reef. Your schedule could include sampling a new luxury spa treatment at qualia on Hamilton Island, trying out new snorkelling gear on Heron Island, or bushwalking on Hinchinbrook Island.
Art Spiegelman, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Maus, creator of Wacky Packs and the Garbage Pail Kids, and father of the modern graphic novel, presents this warts-and-all reproduction of his private sketchbooks — and the results are as candid, sharp, and funny as the relentlessly innovative man behind them. Be a Nose! is a rare glimpse into the secret scribblings of an American original.

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