In college, I had stumbled upon this website: I am a dork. And in it, I found the only version of a game I could play on my computer for free: Place The State. Back then, a lot of online games had compatibility issues with Macs, and Snood I had definitely paid for. Ah, Snood. How I miss you!! But I digress... through "playing" this "game," I became a self-proclaimed expert on placing states. I got better and better, and always ended with my personal highest score of 98%. But that wasn't good enough, that last 2 percent has irked me for years. So, every now and then, I find myself wandering over to saved mail, clicking the link, and trying again. This weekend, I decided to give it a go, and on my first try in who knows how long, I got 100%!! And I wanted to share this, because, frankly, it was my only accomplishment this weekend.

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