Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Gwennie's Blog

My late Grandpa Lou used to call me Gwen, or Gwennie, and almost always, Gwendolyn. I'm not sure how it started, perhaps he came up with it and I giggled uncontrollably as a toddler and it stuck? He isn't around to ask, though, so I can only take it at face value. And so when Gwyneth Paltrow came on the scene, I immediately loved her. It didn't hurt that she toted a matching Brad Pitt with her, either. I have always thought her characters were brought to life with a captivating innocence that is rare and beautiful. I've been intrigued by her extreme diets, her taste in music, and her move "across the pond." 

The only reason I haven't ever considered myself a super fan is because she is so secretive! And I don't blame her. I respect it entirely. It's just a part of who she is. Or is it? I just heard about her blog, or website, GOOP. There are six sub-sections: Make, Go, Get, Do, Be, and See, where Gwyneth shares with the world her family recipes, her detox schedule, advice on parenting and cities she prefers and loves. Truly, this is the mecca of personalized information, controlled by the only person who can know what is fact. There is something that is rubbing me the wrong way still.... Is it that Gwen seems to be exploring blogging in an immature way of modeling her outfits?

For now, let's say, she is cute, the site is cute, the idea is cute, and selling out isn't.

Yours truly, 

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