My cousin Eric is leaving for Life University (an actual place, not a needlessly poignant analogy for the journey one takes when leaving home.) And it's in Georgia! Jawwwwja, if you will, ya'll. The same dreaded state with beautiful weather, kind people, and cheap as dirt real estate that my uncle got lost inside of when he made this seemingly exact journey years ago. I thought I wouldn't have to worry about this with him. He had gone to Johnson and Wales University, came home to Rockland County. Stayed in Rockland County for Rockland Community College. Went to University of Delaware. Came back to RCC. Went to University of Connecticut. Came back to RCC for summers, and graduated from UConn, coming back to Rockland County. I mean, who wouldn't have assumed the college trekking was over? And who will I have left in the greater Metropolitan area to try and show off their cup pyramid moves?




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