Last night marked the end of an era, the first season of True Blood on HBO came to an end. And I realized that HBO has done it yet again: Left me a string out junkie. First, they hooked me on The Sopranos. And life was moving along fairly, until they started extending seasons by 28 months! How is that good marketing? Oh yeah, I remember now... That forced me to buy entire seasons, of which never were discounted or deflated, so I could get my fix in the years in between taping. Then, Sex and The City came along. That show made me want to be a forty year old single whore living in the city. Impressive, really. Also, I bought every season as it finished to get me through the dry spell. And most recently, there's been True Blood. And I have been spreading this show's addictivity as far and as wide as I can. Because if I am going to be strung out, my friends damn well better be, as well! I am imagining season purchases are not far behind, but I would really love to take advantage of HBO on demand, and the internet, and hold out on buying the seasons until the show comes to an end. I am just a bit more than sure that when the show really ends, there will be the shiniest blood streaked life sized coffin as the packaging, and I will need it. And now that I have to wait almost year (supposedly) for the second season to begin, we are left with one big question: Bill Compton or Jason Stackhouse? Let me re-word: Stephen Moyer or Ryan Kwanten. And that's easy. Bill Compton beats Jason any day. And off set, Ryan wins over Stephen. Ah, the mysterious powers of lighting and make-up and character development.
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