Monday, November 3, 2008

Conversation Of The Day

I thought this was appropriate, as the world is abuzz with tomorrow's impending Election Day, and not being prepared to take control over the fate of this country scares me. Maybe I am alone...

Jordan: "Tomorrow is vote day, right?"

Me: "Election day, sir. And, yes, it is."

Jordan: "You takin' off work, or partially?"

Me: "No, sir."

Jordan: "You're not voting?"

Me: "Of course I am, right after work, the lines are shorter."

Jordan: "Oooh, it's open then? There are lines? F**k that. What could posess someone to vote? Dear G-d."

Me: "OMG, please dont start with me."

Jordan: "There shouldn't be any lines. You're doing something for your country. There should be a better way. And I will be that person. The fixer of "vote day."
Me: "You can get free Starbuck's and free Ben and Jerry's."

Jordan: "WHERE?"

Me: "Ready for this one? Starbuck's and Ben and Jerry's."

Jordan: "For voting?"

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