It started out with me thinking, "What a pretty lil' thing." Perfectly posed and poised, funny little white whiskers sticking out...

Then, this cat shows up. He might look angry at the world, but I truly believe that's just what his face was created to look like. A fair warning to keep away. I did not heed.

I mistook this pudgy porker for sweet, maybe because he so clearly indulges in sweets. I can now see he was not blankly staring out into oblivion, but actually staring me down, wishing me ill will.

Finally, I caught this guy staring at me. His attempt to share contempt with me was not subtle. I left. Evacuated, really. But not before they were able to get their poisonous dander in my lungs. I still can't take a full breath in. If I only I had just seen this guy to begin with, I could have known they meant business. Cat business.
1 comment:
Cats are evil. I think your photos prove it.
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