Last night marked the second bi-monthly bowling madness night I am trying to put into effect. And while my coworkers might be less than present at the games, MTV pseudo celebrities are coming out in droves. Last night,
Sway from MTV news bowled next to me. And I can proudly announce that my bowling was unaffected by him being there. I neither bowled exceptionally well nor particularly poorly, which stays true to my personal bowling mantra. I will say he bowled remarkably well, with a tight and quick curve ball that yielded consistent results.
And, yes, his hair really is that big. It's the one question I have always had when catching him on screen (all thirty times, tops). Next time, I'm hoping to bowl near either the
Cat Woman (to see if it looks the same in real life) or
Carrot Top (to prove that he's real at all).
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