Last night, I experienced quite possibly the strangest night of sleep. Not to say I don't feel relatively rested, but as I crawled into the 1x5 space the dogs so kindly allotted for me, my level of consciousness was immediately stuck in between blissful dreaming and acute awareness. I lied in my bed, in the same place, for 7 hours listening to cars and wind and dog bone chewing and dog snores and creaks from who knows where. Then my alarm went off, followed by a zombie like movement performed by yours truly. Inexplicably, I went straight towards the linen closet, pulled out a curling iron, and started sectioning off pieces of my hair in the bathroom.
So one might think there was something different about today, right? Nerves kept me up, I decided to put my best foot forward. This is not the case. Today is no different from any of my other days I have had for at least the past two months.
Except now, my hair is pretty!!! It is truly amazing what one inch of hot steel can do to my hair in under ten minutes.
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