Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Me. Bangs. These quarter or mid-life crises' are no joke! They make me clean compulsively, start cooking, and decide to cut off some hair in the front of my head. I have naturally curly hair. And I don't like being hot. And it is getting hot outside. Maybe the cleaning products are getting to my head.

Conversation of the Day

Me: "I need veggies or fruits...A is for apple. B is for banana. C is for carrot. D is for daikon. E is for.... eggplant!!! F is for ..."

Jordan: "Freeze this convo!"

Me: "Fennel. G- garlic. H- hot pepper. I.... There is no 'i'! I have stumped myself!!"

Jordan: "I put a pen through my eye because of this conversation. There's your 'i'."