Monday, March 15, 2010


I liked the picture of Marley and myself. Liked. Until my brother pointed out that not only do I have some sort of forced smile in the photo, but Marley's smile is "fake" as well. Like mother, like daughter.

Quote Of The Day

During the recent black out...

John: "Gimme the house phone?"

Dymphna: "It won't work. It runs on power."

He tries it anyway.

John: "Dammit! She's right. You think I'd know that since I work for Verizon."

Maywood In March

I've been less than exemplary in my dedication to this blog, and it's been completely unintentional. First, there was packing to contend with. Then there was moving. And moving. And driving back and for moving. With the exception of large furniture pieces, I personally moved everything myself. Box by box, everything started coming together in the new place. It's old and the house moves with the wind and I actually have to take my recycling bins to the street on appropriate nights instead of just letting the apartment crew worry about garbage pick ups. And I couldn't be happier. Well, that's not exactly true. If my landlord were to ring my doorbell with a hot water heater that helps temperatures reach above "sorta hot" then I really couldn't be happier. But bigger concessions have been made.

Now that I have internet back (sigh) and cable, I am trying to get back to normal. Although my normal seems to shift descriptions every day. I'm working on ironing out a schedule in which I can be most productive, basically, and now that I'm unpacked and painted and patched and settled and plugged in, I have very little left to hide behind.

Friday, March 5, 2010


Do you see Vincent Pastore in the background? Huh? Do you? He was as standoffish in person as he was on the Sopranos. I was shocked that we bumped into him in Little Italy, though. Really. Like seeing cops online at Dunkin Donuts.

Quote Of The Day

Me (to Alex): “So, someone told you that you have sexy ears and now you’re really happy about that?”

Julia: “Well, that someone was himself.”

Thursday, March 4, 2010


It's a love/hate relationship with the screen.

Quote Of The Day

Me: (On a Wednesday) “I haven’t spoken to you since Thursday.”

Jordan: “Wow, that’s more than a week, right?”

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


This was taken on, I believe, my last leisurely night stroll with the dogs before this winter of hell took over New Jersey. Funny to stumble onto it now as I am packing up and moving away from the skyline that I have taken for granted for so many years. How I won't miss the traffic!

Quote Of The Day

Brian: "My favorite drink is a tequila and Coke."

Shaun: "That is called an alcoholic's drink, so you know."